We had a fun, low-key Christmas week (how low key? well for Christmas dinner we realized all the forks were in the dishwasher, so we ate our nice meal with some red plastic ones I had stashed away). We enjoyed my mom being here, enjoyed the lovely weather, enjoyed making cookies and gingerbread, enjoying singing silly songs -- and enjoyed just being together.
Kisae was the perfect age for Christmas this year, just so full of joy and excitement. In fact, that's just what she kept saying, "I so 'cited!"
Both kids got gifts they wanted but didn't expect and, in Ben's case, hadn't even asked for (Swiss Army knife, Plasma Car), so watching their surprise/delight that morning was quite fun for us grownups.
Kisae gave us many musical performances, showcasing all the songs she'd learned for her preschool's Christmas show. It made us all very merry.