Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some views on race and the election (from the younger set)

Ben's elementary school (like schools' across Fl. and the country) took part in a mock presidential election today. They also voted for a new state bird (out with the mocking bird, it seems). He voted for Brown Pelican. For bird, not president.

He said it seemed the school was split fairly evenly between Obama and McCain supporters, though he noticed clear differences based on skin color.

The white students, he said, seemed divided between the two candidates, with perhaps more of them leaning toward McCain. The black students were overwhelmingly (and enthusiastically) for Obama.

And how did my little self-proclaimed exit poller know this? Well he just asked lots of people, he said.

Hearing this discussion, Chakisae chimed in that she looked like Barack Obama. "Him the same color."

I'm still amazed that my black, African-born child will soon say of the President of the U.S.A.: "Him look like me."


rebekah said...

YES, Chakisae, yes.

It's already happening. Your post will be part of why I fall asleep with a smile tonight.

Eastiopians said...

Thank God for times like this!!!
